Case Study: Kerrygold
Tradition & heritage meets digital innovation & creativity

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Kerrygold recognised that a number of its competitors were communicating less compelling attributes more compellingly through digital.
To combat this encroachment and strengthen their brand equity, Kerrygold wished to reclaim its Irish grass-fed credentials and do so in a manner that would be owned by and synonymous with the Kerrygold brand.
The solution
We developed “The True Taste of Kerrygold”, an interactive content platform and flexible multi-market digital toolkit that communicated and extolled the virtues of Irish dairy farming. Using video, 360 footage, and real-time data we brought audiences closer than ever before to life on an Irish farm.
The digital content to date has been seen by over 36 million people worldwide resulting in a significant increase in top of mind awareness, brand differentiation and message association, cementing Kerrygold’s position as a grass-fed product.
In April 2019, it was announced that Kerrygold had become the first Irish food brand to exceed €1 billion in annual retail value. Huskies continue to work with Ornua Foods on a global scale to support and breathe digital innovation into their core brand messaging.
The Mission
Beat the competition and retain our price premium.

The Solution
A sustained grassroots campaign about… yes, you guessed it, grass.

The impact
The first Irish food brand to exceed €1 billion in annual retail value.